2.1 Modifying Your Store’s Header

2.1 Modifying Your Store’s Header


The welcoming message is a simple message that tells your client what you sell. It is found on the top of your store’s homepage.

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Here is how to change the default welcoming message on your store, in both store views, English and Arabic?

  • From your store’s dashboard, go to “System” > “Advanced” > “Settings”
  • Change the “Current Configuration Scope” to “English”

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  • From the left-hand side menu, “General” > “Design” then click on “Header” tab to expand it
  • Click on the small checkbox next to “use website” to add your welcome text in the ” Welcome Text” text field

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  • To add a welcome text to the Arabic store view, repeat the previous steps. However, you have to change the “Current Configuration Scope” to “عربي”

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  • Once you finish click on “Save Config”

An example of the welcoming message: If you’re selling food you can write, “Special food every day” or “Welcome to the food center”

Hint: The maximum number of characters to be added in the welcoming message is 17.

Store’s Additional Header:

Do you wish to highlight more information in your store’s header, information like (Free Shipping in UAE, 7 Days Return Policy…etc). You can simply Submit a Ticket requesting to insert an additional header to your store, similar to the below example.

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By the end of the article, you should be able to change the welcome text message in both English and Arabic store views.

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