2.10 Payment 2checkout.com
” Our checkout experience maximizes conversions by adapting to local languages, currencies and payment methods. It also reflects your brand, which buyers trust. -2checkout.com”
Accepted Card Types
2checkout.com accepts all major credit cards from Visa, Mastercard, American Express and PayPal.
Set up time
First thing you need to do is create an account with 2checkout.com. The rough time estimate required for that is a few hours.
There are different types of fees, it’s worth double checking the transaction and setup fees. It’s also good to read following article: “What Payment Method Should I Choose First“.
Setup fees
| Transaction fees
| Transaction Rate
| Monthly fees
| 0.45$
| 5.5%
| 0$
How to set up?
First, send a ticket to your On Boarding Specialist sharing your chosen payment method, after you get in touch with PayPal and receive your credentials, follow steps below:
- From your admin panel go to “System” > “Advanced” > “Configuration”
- Click on “Payment Methods” under “SALES”
- Click on “2checkout” to expand, and complete the following fields:
- “Title”: type in the title that you want to show to your customers on the checkout page
- “Enabled”: Set it to “Yes”
- “2Checkout Account Number”: Enter the SID number, this number should be provided by 2checkout
- “API Username”: Required if ‘Live Refunds’ is set to ‘Yes’.
- “API Password”: This should be provided by 2checout.com
- “Secret Word”: This should be provided by 2checkout.com
- “Live Refunds”: Set it to “Yes” in case you want to activate the refund service on your store
- “2Checkout Inline Mode”: Set it to “Yes”
- “2Checkout Sandbox Mode”: If the store is not live set it to “Yes”, if it’s live set it to “No”
- “2Checkout Demo Mode”: This option is similar to “2Checkout Sandbox Mode”
- “Invoice Automatically After 2Checkout Fraud Review”: Set it to “Yes” to receive, automatically, the invoice after checking the spammers orders
- “Payment Applicable From”: If you want to make 2Checkout an available payment option to all the customers from all countries select “All Allowed Counties” if no select “Specific Countries”
- “Countries Payment Applicable From”: Select the countries that you want to appear on the checkout page
- “Checkout Language Code”: Add the language code that you want your customers to use on the 2checkout redirected page
- “Redirect Message”: Add a successful message once the customer completes purchasing the order on the redirection page
- Once you finish click on “Save Config’ button.
2checkout reserves the right to update and change its information by posting updates and changes to their website online. You are advised to check their policies and fees from time to time for any updates or changes that may impact you.
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