it is very important to pay this article attention before uploading your catalogs images. Images have some restrictions that affect the store speed, design, and storage. Therefore, in this article we are going to share the most important notes about images optimization and how to maintain the best results possible.
Two conditions to deliver good optimized images:
First point: the dimensions of images:
How to check whether if the dimensions of images are in the right dimensions?
PS: if your images dimensions are right, please move on to the part two in this article “optimize your images size”.
If my images dimensions need to be resized, how can I do it:
There are many tools to help you with resizing your images, for example:
Second part: optimize your images size:
After you make sure that your images are in the right dimensions, now we need to make sure that our images are being friendly for the web.
There are a lot of tools to get the optimized images without losing quality. Here’s a simple tool can help a lot with this mission:
visit .
How to use Compress Now to get the best of your image:
Will the quality of the image affected?
Well, in most cases, the optimization won’t affect the quality of the images.
Here’s an example of an image which the quality of the image will be affected a little bit:
Moreover, here’s a optimization tool you can consider:
visit .
Let us know if you have any question: [email protected]