It is very important nowadays to have a facebook page related to your store and business in order to attract the attention of a different segment of customers, and it will be great also to synchronize the catalog you have on the store with your Facebook shop.
First of all make sure to sign in to your Facebook account, then follow the below steps:
1- Login to the admin panel of your store
2- Click on Facebook Ads extension tab from the left side bar as shown below:
3- Click on Get Started Button as shown below:
4- Click Next to accept Facebook Terms & Conditions
5- Select the desired page "shop" that you need to connect your store with, as you might have more than one page related to your Facebook account, and then click on Next button
6- Click Next to install Facebook Pixel code on your store.
The Facebook pixel is a code that you place on your website. It collects data that helps you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize ads, build targeted audiences for future ads, and remarket to people who have already taken some kind of action on your website.
With FaceBook ads extension there is no need to add this code manually on the header of the website code, instead, the extension will add the facebook pixel for you.
7- Product importing, after establishing the connection between the store and the facebook page, the importing of the products from the store to the Facebook shop will start now, and you will find two options:
- Catalog, which allow you to automatically create the catalog of the products on the facebook store, make sure to set its status to On
- Page Shop, allows you to add a products' section on the top of your page, make sure to set its status to On
Then make sure to click on Finish button.
Now, you have completed the configurations and can start create ads on facebook as shown below
By the end of this article you will be able to complete the facebook integration on your store, which means:
1- Uploading the Products automatically into the facebook shop.
2- Synchronizing the products information like "inventory" between the store and the facebook shop.
2- Automated redirection to the store to complete the checkout process.