Congratulations on becoming a ShopGo Partner! We are happy that you chose ShopGo as your e-commerce platform provider amongst others.
The journey from today going forward is going to be exciting with a lot of things to do, learn, experiment and achieve.
Based on the package chosen, the On-Boarding Journey differs in the approach taken, Starter packages consume one call then clients are expected to do the rest of the work on their own via reading the structured articles in this knowledge base.Pro packages consume dedicated On-Boarding calls from our trained specialists while the Plus Package takes on top of the Extra package importing of products and set up for the store
Initially, On-Boarding starts with the Orientation stage; setting expectations, and determining going live goals. Then we dive into the payment and shipping option you’d like to start with, as usually payment and shipping providers take time to setup accounts.
After that, you will start with the most exciting part of the journey: uploading products, categories, pages, and general content.
The On-Boarding stage is very simple, quick, and straight forward. It all depends on the package you’d like to take, if you believe it’ll be active, and quick, then definitely the store can go live as quickly as a few days.
Your OnBoarding Specialist will stand by you every step of the way. You will always have our support to answer your questions.
On Behalf of ShopGo, we’d like to wish you the best of luck!
ShopGo Team